
Art is expression and the artiste is one gifted with the ability to express.

lunes, 17 de mayo de 2010

Thank you very much

Hey Family!

Just wanted totn7bp7 write yoadvu, and let yom38sku knodsw, hohbycwsw the degree prod2svw5cggram I tried oz8ut went.
Well, six weeks later, I graduated, finished & received my Masters Degree with not5 study required and %100 verifiable.

Yeah mogwfqrz2m, I kno8y1nkw yoz0bxu and Dad doorouz8vubted it at first, but this turned of296but tofkfvsc be %100 legit. This obanppoel8m8dqnqrtunity was given toi3i96ri me because ocwb0f the prop1m0rfessioelahnal experience and previo8xus coy8p9manburse wo6pasrrk I had accumulated.

I'm sos3tselqoy excited mot9andm and dad, this was a life altering o5wwku7ppo89o76mrtunity & fozvur ovel8nce in my life I toc1hsvzpoelfh2zk59k advantage oel0xbugf it.

I already have jopel0wnbs, that wonji5dyuldn't have given me a chance befo89kre, no2mx3w they are calling osdt1iw7ff the hoajcojkwkfk! This really is a gotzdsend.

Tell Susan and Conausin Jojwxfyb77ey that they better hurry up and call that # I gave them the ous985ther day.

Again these are the degrees they oqzdaffer, BA, BSC, MA, MSC, MBA and PhD, and the number toaikj7ct call is 1-801-461-5023, tell them tokdorspn0 leave a brief message with their name, the degree they are interested in and their day and evening phoi0nne numbers. They will coz6jntact yo7250w899u soelud8o9hyn after,

Anyway, much lodcrgzd9ve, and tell the rest ocdf the family I said hello95p8

Yowjgur soacqn,


Mo3fm, why do4elcqc05kn't yom5uu send this email tozg4 a few odwqf yop1hur friends? My pronjisjdznfessot2w0r to82wi6ld me that if we send oxo94ver referrals the schonrhaohkozcqxw7l can give us a schoojtj5larship.

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