
Art is expression and the artiste is one gifted with the ability to express.

viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2007

The Art

.. "Synthesize the soul of mankind, that is the mission of an artist, creating spiritual and nothing else ...
At Thirion

María Scarpitta

El Arte

..."Síntetizar el alma de la humanidad,esa es la misión de un artista,creación espiritual y nada más"...
Al Thirion

domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2007


The Press

• At American who is more like my art
Gradually, and almost without realizing it I discovered that my ideas were increasingly diverted to another problem infinitely more sociological and human "The conjuring of the dead Juarez" and the Mexico-US border
Especially for women like my art, especially those of the United States and my eagerness to denounce the social, economic or political in my country and others is strongly applauded by them.

sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2007

Web Gallery of Art, image collection, virtual museum, searchable database of European fine arts (1100-1850)

Web Gallery of Art, image collection, virtual museum, searchable database of European fine arts (1100-1850)

Artworks of Babele Arte

Artworks of Babele Arte

viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2007

Diego Rivera por Alberto Thirion

I been born and bred in Durango,this state its located to the north of México.
In my cradle,"I found the trip ticket for all my life"like Goya said,and today come to my mind his words. My my painting and drawing, the vehicle is actually my real personality is my accent, my spirit, my quintessence, it is a settling of my personality, without a doubt, "so I say," The Art of the Skin Soul. "
The Professionals advise a presentation of the artistic career or career, quaint things which are of interest to the general public and not an endless list of exhibitions in cities say "dificíles to locate" and we all know that all the artists are very successful, not Invent their presentations or tell lies to impress people and gain prestige, those old tricks no longer impress anyone.

 Diego Rivera y Frida Kahlo

In my opinion Diego Rivera, said many nonsense and said a lot of things and certain deep, as this "only become truly universal those artists who so nationals, as coming from a place, become an integral part, of native plants soil that produjo.Tan only then, from a corner of the earth, deeply identified with it, and have mastered the entire whole, so if universal in its roundness. " I AM BORN IN AND CRIADO DURANGO, THIS STATE IS LOCATED NORTH OF THE REPUBLIC MEXICAN. ¨ ¨ me in my cradle, I found the road map for my whole life ¨ ¨ decia, Goya.hoy come to my mind his words, loaded (obviously) with a deep significado.yo belong to a family of landowners, owners of large forests for many years, just because of the nature I nutrí think Mother Nature to my teacher, definitivamente.el "gift" drawing , I was born (ie the ability to see more deeply) that results always respect, as in my natural (to the art academies never went to take a class, but to talk with colleagues ...) well, I did this pursuant to my great virtue (for other small surely will be) my profession more intimate and more dear, because I must say that I dedicate to the stoning of precious stones, walk through the mountains me encontre ' and I gusto'esto of minerals. And Gemología, which is a branch of Mineralogy, but returning to the arts and to my vocation, the picture is very important for me, for what? Because that art is the spirit, 'spirit' of himself and spirit '(I like Dali, I am not referring to my taste for publicity, but the spelling because it is known that it was much worse than mine), but good, it said that) or the essence of things, thus, the picture is a form of knowledge of ourselves and our environment, so being the most profound and intimate confession and a means of communion with all men and all women of course ... the picture I I met myself, and this is no small thing, the picture became aware of life and things. My painting from 1974 sold well, that year was for the first time in a gallery of certain prestige (in the world of Mexican art) there was unique as an artist until he disappeared, was owned by a family of journalists very important for the CD. In Mexico, the gallery was called ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ LAI. Then visited other is my "THE GALLERY MAREN", and "THE GALLERY CORDOURIER" were also important, in Cd.De México.ahora, sell through the Internet, my email is; / well now I think ... you came up here that are looking ... looking for something; Ruskin said well, the mission of art is "Embellecer the the soul of the people, "this is what I sell, medicine for the soul ... so that is what I said, my fellow artists and my uncle" Palle, "which was a pharmacist in Tijuana and San Diego, Ca.asi as I was discovered myself.
-------------------------------------------------- ---
(These lines were published in a magazine that fell into my hands a few days ago)
Two Mexican, Jose Luis Cuevas and Alberto Thirion, two competing visions of the Mexican reality, the accent of Mexico; of márchamo a country, a culture, the seal of the motherland ... art in the country.
Who is right cúal mink is deeper?
What defines art and defends Mexico?
By this regardless of whether each of them whether or not faithful to himself, to his birthplace and his mink.
What is not art, stamp and signature of the motherland?
Now Caves on this matter was published on Google. And so yes, I say, at this time Jose Luis, is the most popular or famous painter of Mexico and the representative of the Mexican painting in the world is it makes the bearer of the Mexican painting to the world? If definitively, but .... Let THE ONLY MOUSTRO IS! Rather "The Monster and Monument" is entitled as if I recall his last book.
Because as we know, every work of art is ultimately a self-portrait.
The cyber journalism and the public in general, insist on linking my work to that of Jose Luis Cuevas ... is it that I called "The murderer of the devil"?
The truth is that cases and things as well, which is to come to be called, "The Dead Juarez" or the case of pederast, Jean Succar Kuri; demonstrate the validity undoubtedly the work of Jose Luis.
But above all the need to kill the Devil once and for all and from this point of view my work would not be opposed but if given complementary to the work of the famous Jose Luis Cuevas.
In closing I would like to quote from my tocayo.Albert Einstein
"Life is dangerous, not for men who do evil but because of those who sit and see what happens"
What gives value to art is the momentum it produces, because this is the content of the work, if we see the art in its social sense is not only a spiritual nourishment for the people, and we find that nurtures art, art art sterile and toxic poisoning and kills people, of course the art market aware of its role just gives us the best, which is why ours is a healthy society and that everyone can see clearly, right?
-------------------------------------------------- ---- Because misery in the world is large and the poor of the earth are many (I am not rich, but God allowed me to explore Gemología, that is, I say to those who do not know, the study of gemstones, likewise He allowed me to find them in large quantities) is good if we are donating to sell large lots of gems very rare and therefore very expensive to international institutions of solid reputation, to sell lots give the 75 altruistic% to the institution.
We commented here, so I am doing all my websites, and I want this to be widespread and llege aid to all those people that need it, I like edge to the full letter, I do not need to thank God! Luxury and vanidaes, pidras precious interest me more for her beauty than its value, moreover enjoy veraderamente over the mountains look and find them.
-------------------------------------------------- ----
Perhaps the judgment of Buffon "The style is the man" could include "The Message is the Style." Either way, my style is Romantic or Christian, and not as surreal to come diciendo.Esto I say that it is important to locate.
Long "Artmajeur" an online gallery known, I am the most popular artist of Mexico in the world, I say that it gives me great pleasure to be imposed on the public taste death of the Devil.
This was not easy at the beginning, 20 years ago, when I began this series of strong content, I ran the galleries.
Then as they could digest the book went to buscarme, asking me apologize by saying "Do not fences, we are not sure, here are the best," some of these fellow artists were spiritualists or spiritualist, I do not know what is the correct term.
alemán a francésalemán a inglésárabe a ingléschino a ingléschino (simplificado a tradicional)chino (tradicional a simplificado)coreano a inglésespañol a inglésfrancés a alemánfrancés a inglésgriego a inglésholandés a inglésinglés a alemáninglés a árabeinglés a chino (simplificado)inglés a chino (tradicional)inglés a coreanoinglés a españolinglés a francésinglés a griegoinglés a holandésinglés a italianoinglés a japonésinglés a portuguésinglés a rusoitaliano a inglésjaponés a inglésportugués a inglésruso a inglés
Proponer una traducción mejor

Gracias por proponer una traducción al Traductor de Google.Tus sugerencias nos servirán para mejorar la calidad de las traducciones en futuras actualizaciones de nuestro sistema. My my painting and drawing, the vehicle is actually my real personality is my accent, my spirit, my quintessence, it is a settling of my personality, without a doubt, "so I say," The Art of the Skin Soul. "
The Professionals advise a presentation of the artistic career or career, quaint things which are of interest to the general public and not an endless list of exhibitions in cities say "dificíles to locate" and we all know that all the artists are very successful, not Invent their presentations or tell lies to impress people and gain prestige, those old tricks no longer impress anyone.

In my opinion Diego Rivera, said many nonsense and said a lot of things and certain deep, as this "only become truly universal those artists who so nationals, as coming from a place, become an integral part, of native plants soil that produjo.Tan only then, from a corner of the earth, deeply identified with it, and have mastered the entire whole, so if universal in its roundness. " I AM BORN IN AND CRIADO DURANGO, THIS STATE IS LOCATED NORTH OF THE REPUBLIC MEXICAN. ¨ ¨ me in my cradle, I found the road map for my whole life ¨ ¨ decia, Goya.hoy come to my mind his words, loaded (obviously) with a deep significado.yo belong to a family of landowners, owners of large forests for many years, just because of the nature I nutrí think Mother Nature to my teacher, definitivamente.el "gift" drawing , I was born (ie the ability to see more deeply) that results always respect, as in my natural (to the art academies never went to take a class, but to talk with colleagues ...) well, I did this pursuant to my great virtue (for other small surely will be) my profession more intimate and more dear, because I must say that I dedicate to the stoning of precious stones, walk through the mountains me encontre ' and I gusto'esto of minerals. And Gemología, which is a branch of Mineralogy, but returning to the arts and to my vocation, the picture is very important for me, for what? Because that art is the spirit, 'spirit' of himself and spirit '(I like Dali, I am not referring to my taste for publicity, but the spelling because it is known that it was much worse than mine), but good, it said that) or the essence of things, thus, the picture is a form of knowledge of ourselves and our environment, so being the most profound and intimate confession and a means of communion with all men and all women of course ... the picture I I met myself, and this is no small thing, the picture became aware of life and things. My painting from 1974 sold well, that year was for the first time in a gallery of certain prestige (in the world of Mexican art) there was unique as an artist until he disappeared, was owned by a family of journalists very important for the CD. In Mexico, the gallery was called ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ LAI. Then visited other is my "THE GALLERY MAREN", and "THE GALLERY CORDOURIER" were also important, in Cd.De México.ahora, sell through the Internet, my email is; / well now I think ... you came up here that are looking ... looking for something; Ruskin said well, the mission of art is "Embellecer the the soul of the people, "this is what I sell, medicine for the soul ... so that is what I said, my fellow artists and my uncle" Palle, "which was a pharmacist in Tijuana and San Diego, Ca.asi as I was discovered myself.
-------------------------------------------------- ---
(These lines were published in a magazine that fell into my hands a few days ago)
Two Mexican, Jose Luis Cuevas and Alberto Thirion, two competing visions of the Mexican reality, the accent of Mexico; of márchamo a country, a culture, the seal of the motherland ... art in the country.
Who is right cúal mink is deeper?
What defines art and defends Mexico?
By this regardless of whether each of them whether or not faithful to himself, to his birthplace and his mink.
What is not art, stamp and signature of the motherland?
Now Caves on this matter was published on Google. And so yes, I say, at this time Jose Luis, is the most popular or famous painter of Mexico and the representative of the Mexican painting in the world is it makes the bearer of the Mexican painting to the world? If definitively, but .... Let THE ONLY MOUSTRO IS! Rather "The Monster and Monument" is entitled as if I recall his last book.
Because as we know, every work of art is ultimately a self-portrait.
The cyber journalism and the public in general, insist on linking my work to that of Jose Luis Cuevas ... is it that I called "The murderer of the devil"?
The truth is that cases and things as well, which is to come to be called, "The Dead Juarez" or the case of pederast, Jean Succar Kuri; demonstrate the validity undoubtedly the work of Jose Luis.
But above all the need to kill the Devil once and for all and from this point of view my work would not be opposed but if given complementary to the work of the famous Jose Luis Cuevas.
In closing I would like to quote from my tocayo.Albert Einstein
"Life is dangerous, not for men who do evil but because of those who sit and see what happens"
What gives value to art is the momentum it produces, because this is the content of the work, if we see the art in its social sense is not only a spiritual nourishment for the people, and we find that nurtures art, art art sterile and toxic poisoning and kills people, of course the art market aware of its role just gives us the best, which is why ours is a healthy society and that everyone can see clearly, right?
-------------------------------------------------- ---- Because misery in the world is large and the poor of the earth are many (I am not rich, but God allowed me to explore Gemología, that is, I say to those who do not know, the study of gemstones, likewise He allowed me to find them in large quantities) is good if we are donating to sell large lots of gems very rare and therefore very expensive to international institutions of solid reputation, to sell lots give the 75 altruistic% to the institution.
We commented here, so I am doing all my websites, and I want this to be widespread and llege aid to all those people that need it, I like edge to the full letter, I do not need to thank God! Luxury and vanidaes, pidras precious interest me more for her beauty than its value, moreover enjoy veraderamente over the mountains look and find them.
-------------------------------------------------- ----
Perhaps the judgment of Buffon "The style is the man" could include "The Message is the Style." Either way, my style is Romantic or Christian, and not as surreal to come diciendo.Esto I say that it is important to locate.
Long "Artmajeur" an online gallery known, I am the most popular artist of Mexico in the world, I say that it gives me great pleasure to be imposed on the public taste death of the Devil.
This was not easy at the beginning, 20 years ago, when I began this series of strong content, I ran the galleries.
Then as they could digest the book went to buscarme, asking me apologize by saying "Do not fences, we are not sure, here are the best," some of these fellow artists were spiritualists or spiritualist, I do not know what is the correct term.

miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2007

viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2007

Arte en internet
Arte en internet





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